Fall: Community
Science Programs
Saving lives through community science
Teacher Testimonies
Vector Inspector Program
"Our students had the opportunity to be researchers and conduct real world research that impacts our community." -6th Grade Teacher, El Monte City School District (2023)
"Students see a quick overview of mosquitos and the diseases they spread and then get a quick instruction on how to collect water to test and then get a kit to go home and collect water that may support mosquitos. They turn in the water which is photographed/video taped by a microscope and kids get to see what is in their water! The kids loved that part and seeing the "gross" things up close!" -5th Grade Teacher, Azusa USD (2023)
Operation Mosquito G.R.I.D.
"Learning in the classroom has its limits... especially in science! This program allowed students to see science in action! They played an important role as real scientists, collecting samples, analyzing data and communicating with real scientists! Not only did students get a good look at possible science careers, they also felt a sense of community as they worked to eliminate the threat of the Aedes mosquito in their community!" - 8th Grade Teacher, Bonita USD (2023)
"Very engaging and exciting program. It is very educational for students and their families... Now my students and I are contently watching for stagnant water." - 8th Grade Teacher, Pasadena USD (2023)