Hello educators,
Love [for science] is in the air! Check out our exploratory resources below that will have your students enamored with the science that surrounds them daily.
Reminder, Science Education Day is March 14th!
Spring 2023 Classroom Programs
We started off our Classroom programs for this year at Pearl Preparatory School. Students K - 6 had a blast on their Science day and we were glad to have contributed to this great event.
Images of vector control staff with Pearl Prep students (1/17/23).
Book your classroom visit today!
Virus Explorer
This great tool by HHMI allows students to learn about and compare viruses. They can use 3D interactive models and cross-section diagrams to explore more!
Mountain Rain or Snow Tracker
Students can help improve estimates of precipitation (rain or snow) by submitting data when there is rain or snow.
Bird watcher
Using Cornell’s Macaulay Library, students can see spectrograms of bird calls while listening to field recordings of birds from around the world.
Truth or Myth?
Only female mosquitoes bite
This is TRUE! Both male and female mosquitoes feed on nectar as adults, but only female mosquitoes need protein from human or animal blood to produce eggs.
Image: Aedes mosquito laying eggs
Hate those pesky female mosquito bites?
Check out our repellent resource.
Want to submit your own mosquito or mosquito-borne disease related question?
We will answer submitted questions in future newsletters!