It’s officially fall! Looking for season and weather-related curriculum additions? Look no further!
Have you shared Journey of the Germ with your students?
Exploring the fascinating path West Nile virus must traverse to move from host to host via the Culex mosquito. This interactive educational experience bridges a significant gap in available material covering the transmission of West Nile Virus— a threat to public health each year in the San Gabriel Valley.
Please! We’d like your students’ feedback (Grades 4-12) on this project. All they have to do is complete the experience! Their learning outcomes will be included in our presentation at the Entomological Society of America’s annual conference at the end of the month! Explore here.
Teacher Resources
La Nina vs. El Nino 🌞🌧
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) explains why they think this winter in SoCal will be warm and dry. Learn more here!
Reasons for the seasons 🌻🍂
Crash Course reviews the connection between the sun and the seasons for younger kids. Watch the 4-minute video here.
College application season is here! 👩🔬👨🔬
Looking to connect S.T.E.A.M. to real word career options and potential college majors? We have you covered! Sign up for a virtual or in-person career presentation using this link.
Free fun for 4th graders! 🏞
Get access to 19 beautiful CA state parks—for free! Pass includes families and friends. Learn more here.